Bradyen's Actual Age

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Bradleigh Nicolynn Dowdney

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One of my favorite songs...

Has always been Seek Up by the Dave Matthews Band. Now, before that line in and of itself causes you to not read any further give me a chance to explain. Bear with me as it's been since June 3rd that we've last I feel I need to make up for lost ground.

Seek Up is a pretty long song, but I really only want to cover the chorus:

You seek up an emotion
and your cup is overflowing.
You seek up an emotion,
sometimes your well is dry
You seek up a big monster
for him to fight your wars for you
But when he finds his way to you,
the devil's not going, "Ha ha, ha ha."

Why do I bring up this song? What is David getting at here? Why is he talking about some lame Dave Matthews Song that no one cares about?

Well, however stupid it may sound, that song has been a friend to me in good times and hard times. So, let me extrapolate (one of them college words).

You seek up an emotion and your cup is seek up an emotion, sometimes your well is dry. I can't even begin to explain how many times over the past week, month, year, or 10 years, I have searched for an emotion and my cup is either overflowing or it's dry. Kelli and I have struggled thru miscarriages, a failed adoption, cancer, job loss and gain, and financial ups and downs, to name a few. Please don't think I don't know that other people have a hard time with things, and if I take a step back and look around me I must say that through it all are many blessings that God has given us that I must be sure not to take for granted. Yet, we have been through many things that most couples have not had to face.

This blog was started as a way for us to tell our story as we traveled down the road of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). We have smattered in a few posts of personal pleasure, but the main focus of this has been our stuggle to have our own baby.

Well, thru our journey it has made us want to "seek up a big monster for him to fight your wars for you" (or for us). It has caused us physical and emotional pain that we would not wish on an enemy. Kelli had to take shots in her abdomen for several weeks, along with having her hormones take her on the roller coaster ride of her life. In the end, her body just didn't react to the medicine as we hoped, and the Dr. has told us to look at other options. All of this while we've had about 9 couples tell us they are pregnant.

Now, don't get me wrong here, we are VERY EXCITED to share in the joy of new life for each of these friends and family members who are going to welcome their own baby into this world. However, it can also be bitter sweet. We have wanted to have our own family for the past 6 years of our 7.5 year marriage.

In all of this we have to be weary of the evil one who likes to do all he can to destroy a marriage ordained by God - "But when he finds his way to you, the devil's not going, "Ha ha, ha ha." He is not laughing when he tries to destroy a relationship, friendship, or marriage. He is very intent in his ways, and must be taken seriously.

Sorry for the lack of transition here, but the reason I am giving you some of this information is to lead you to this - we have been approached by a friend of Kelli's family who knows of a young woman that is pregnant and is not prepared for the road ahead that is pregnancy (she's 15). Please join us in PRAYING for guidance to make the right decision here as we've been asked if we could help in this as we feel led. Kelli has been helping teen moms for the past year, and the folks involved in this believe that Kelli and I are meant to be involved in what capacity? We don't know yet, but it isn't for us to know, it's for us to choose to get involved no matter what people think. (reference to the song). :D

We are going to seek up a Monster for Him to fight our wars for us, by kneeling at the throne of God and praying that HIS will be done in all of this, and that this young lady would be forever altered for the better when this baby comes into the world. The devil will be there too, waiting to destroy another family, but our prayer is that those who desire, will pray without ceasing that the Light of the World (Jesus) will shine thru and prevail over the evil one.

So, please pray for this young lady whose name is not necessary...and for the life that is growing inside her. Pray for her family, that they would give her the guidance necessary to help her along this journey. Pray for the friends who will step in to support this girl and her family as they struggle with the choices to be made along the way.

Again, sorry for the long post, and the strange song references, but if you haven't heard the song...look it up on Itunes, and maybe it can make an impact on you as it has on me. Then, while listening to it, please join us in prayer for this situation, that we would all be surrounded by the Holy Spirit and our actions and words be guided by Jesus.

Much love and thanks for reading this far, and forgive my strange tie in to a DMB song....DD

6 Friends for Coffee:

coneandmo said...

Dude! Preach it! Can you tell my hubby to write some posts too please! :) Love you guys & praying!

Andrew & Pat Overton said...

YO MAMA loves you.....I am praying, and you are not on the roller coaster alone as SO MANY people love you, & oh yeah, guess who has the coasters controls?!?
Are we having fun yet?>

Paige said...
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Paige said...

That was amazing! We love you and are praying for you!!!--Wesley and Paige

Rochelle said...

Awesome post D-man. Love the song reference! My prayer is that God will touch the lives of everyone involved here, especially you and Kelli, and their cups will overflow. God always gives us what we need, and his timing is perfect.

Kyle and Shalen said...

This was great!! Thanks for continuing to share your lives with us!! We are praying for you guys!!