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Bradleigh Nicolynn Dowdney

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving 08!!!

Thanksgiving was SO MUCH FUN!! Heather & Eric with the kids came in Wednessday night and got here at our house just a little bit after my parents did! It was so good to sit around and catch up with everyone.

Thursday morning we all got up and headed over to David's parents new house. It is So much fun having them here in town just up the road! We had a lot of food, I was SO VERY ready for some turkey an dressin!!! yum yum

After lunch, the boys headed to do a little shipping at The Bass Pro Shop and the girls sat outside and played with the kids! It was a beautifil day here in Dallas! Then we spednt the afternoon playing Dominoes and watching the Cowboys!!!

My cousin Valerie brought her two kids, Savanah and Burke up on Friday to play and put up Christmas!! Michaela was excited about having so many new best friends...Savanthia most especially!!

In today's culture, economy, and political turmoil...sometimes I find that I am not very grateful! Having the time and focus and get to point that my heart is truely thankful can, at times, be a struggle for me! More often than not, my weeak flesh is focusing on all the things that I don't have or that has not happened or ...well, you get the point! But on those rare occasions that I look around, I am in awe at the providence of my lord! My family and heritage are so rich and strongly founded in faith! Here a few of this things I am most thankful for; My dad's wisdom, my mothers encouragement and unconditional love... a grandmother that tought me that richness of life is not found in one's checkbook and another grandmother that enriched my life with music, travel, and tought me the meaning of perseverance, grace, mercy, and what forgiveness looks like deeply impacted my aunt that has painted a beautiful picture of "the joy of my salvation is my strenth" and not the circumstances that this life allow while allowing the lord a victorious healing over cancer...and a husband that keeps me steady and grounded...on most days!! :) Most of all...for God's grace and mercy that reigns over my life! For my salvation that is non-negotiable and matter how many times I get it wrong!!

I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving season and found time and reasons to give thanks. KD

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