Bradyen's Actual Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Bradleigh Nicolynn Dowdney

Lilypie First Birthday tickers">

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time Flies

Well, sorry its been so long since we've updated. I'll try to bring you up to speed on the last month or so...

The major thing we had happen was an MRI for Brayden that took more pictures of the cyst on his spine. We found out that the cyst is still there and appears to be the same size as before. However, it appears that it is putting less pressure on his spine than before, so we are excited about that. It is letting his spinal cord and backbone develop and is not squeezing on it as much as it was. So, the Dr. is very hopeful we won't have to do any kind of surgery until he gets older -- hopefully his teenage years (if at all). Of course, our prayer is that Jesus would step in and remove this cyst on his own and we won't have to worry about surgery. The cyst in his brain is there and will always be there as it's more just a lack of development of the brain tissue, so there is no "cure" for that one. We'll just have to see how he develops as he begins to crawl, walk, talk, etc.

Otherwise, in playing with the little stinker you wouldn't know he has a cyst at all. He is very active and smiles, coo's, laughs, and loves to stick out his tongue (thanks Mimi)! He is now eating rice cereal, so of course more of it generally gets on him than goes in his mouth. It's fun, and Kelli is loving every minute of her being able to stay home with him. He is still not crawling yet, but he can scoot around on his mats in the floor, or in his we expect him to start army crawling any time now. What's better is that if you hold him by his arms on your lap, he'll try to walk all over he may even walk before he crawls...he just needs to get better balance.

We also had a baby shower thrown by some of the mother's of Kelli's WyldLife kids. We had a great time and the spread of food and cake was amazing!! We got some needed clothes, toys, and stuffed animals -- all of which we have already been able to play with. We are so thankful for the friends we have made thru YoungLife/Wyldlife, they have been a big blessing in our lives.

Two weeks ago we painted the nursery, and last week we put a deck up in the back yard. The Overton's came over and helped get our front lawn under control too as we needed some help in a couple flower beds to get some shrubs back up and growing. So, we've done a lot of stuff in and out of the house that we have really enjoyed.
Brayden's Room is now a light green with an accent wall we painted brown -- to match the bedding we have for him. The girls got that done with finishing touches put on by the guys who were able to reach a little farther with their paint brushes.
The yard and deck were welcome additions to the yard that has needed some upgrades since last summer. We were so thankful for all the help we received, as Andrew was the supervisor for both projects. He is a man on a mission when it comes to working in the yard and we love the new additions he made.

That is the most recent update on the Dowdney household, but we will try not to wait so long for the next one.

Thanks for stopping by

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