Bradyen's Actual Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Bradleigh Nicolynn Dowdney

Lilypie First Birthday tickers">

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Confessions of an Inferior Mom

from my journal about 2 months ago.......

Well, it’s been a while since I have confessed. And I really hate to even get started but here it goes. …ATTENTION: No children or babies were harmed during any of the incidents below. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

So since we have started introducing solids to Brayden, I had started to notice he was a little more constipated than normal and my pediatrician had warned me that it might occur. He had also given me a little home remedy that would help “the process.” The remedy…I will spare you the details….but it did involve a Q Tip and some Vaseline. So, yesterday I decided that my little man needed a little help and so we proceeded with the home remedy. Only…..I must have grabbed a defective Q Tip because went I pulled it out….the cotton tip was missing!!! What kind of mother…well, I can’t even finish that sentence. So…..wouldn’t you know it, David just happened to be standing right there for the whole thing. When I looked up at him the only thing he said was “ Well, you got it stuck in there so you have to get it out!” GREAT!!! How do you go about getting a small cotton ball out from you baby’s bottom. Answer: You don’t. You wait! This morning, after 4 days of no Poop, Brayden grunted and pushed….and first out came a little brown ball (the Q Tip)..and then A LOT of poop. Thank goodness for gravity…and the body’s inability to absorb cotton. Won’t be trying that home remedy again.

Praying we make it to next week...KD :)

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