Bradyen's Actual Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Bradleigh Nicolynn Dowdney

Lilypie First Birthday tickers">

Thursday, April 3, 2008

As Usual...

Well, we had another Dr's appt today, and received the same information as go for now, we have to wait for Kel's Cyst to go away. So, we go back again next Thursday, but by then, Kel should have completed her "cycle" which should also flush out the cyst. Please lift us up in prayer as you see fit, that the Lord would help Kelli pass this cyst out of her system, so we can begin anew with moving this forward. Again, this needs to be as perfect of a setting as we can get, so we need to get this cyst out before we move on to the next step. We pretty much knew this going into the appt this morning, but it is still disappointing to hear. We appreciate all the support you guys give us, as it's amazing to hear how many people continue to read our posts...however dull and boring they may be. :)

We love you all, and hope to see you as soon as we can!! Summer is fast approaching, and we look forward to traveling to see as many friends and family as we can!!


1 Friends for Coffee:

coneandmo said...

Sorry friends! That sucks!!! We're still praying for you you. Love you! M&M Cone