Bradyen's Actual Age

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Bradleigh Nicolynn Dowdney

Lilypie First Birthday tickers">

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekend with the Family!

This past weekend David's parents came down on Friday and stayed with us through Sunday. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to just get to hang out with family and catch up. I always hear the "dreaded in-law" stories, and I have to admit, I just can't identify! I am extremely blessed to have married into a family that I love being around!! Friday night we grilled steaks and pork and had a really good dinner at home. Then we scouted around town and priced refrigerators - - GOOD GRACIOUS I DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE THAT HIGH!!! But that's a different Blog! :)

Saturday morning my parents drove up to spend the day and visit! David and "The Dads" were off to play golf at Coyote Ridge and me and "The Moms" well....we were off to do what we love best...SHOP!!! I fixed breakfast burritos for everyone, plus my friend Millie and precious little son Dane, to get fueled before we all headed off in different directions... And let me tell you did we all have a ball!!! Mom O. found some sassy little red pumps and I found these Easter hats, that looked more like Kentucky Derby hats, that had these huge feathers on top! I picked one out for me and one for each Mom. Me and Mom O got so tickled that we really were causing quite the ruckus. In fact, another Mother and daughter couple stopped to asked if they could spend the rest of the day shopping with us because we looked like we knew how to have fun!! Well, I think Mom D was trying to avoid us because were being so LOUD but we found her and she got her very own feather hat! Here we are all our glory...

Yes I have to say, those were some hats!! The funniest part of the whole thing....Mom O got so excited and tickled about these hats, that her treasured find of red shoes were missing!!! We looked, and looked, and got other people to help us look....and we could not find those shoes anywhere. AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANOTHER PAIR IN HER SIZE!!! So, we left with no hats, no red shoes......and a pretty goofy looking picture! But it sure was fun!!!

The boys had a good round on the course. They came in a little muddy and cold, but overall they said they had a good time. We finished the afternoon with a late lunch at BJ's, great food, hot coffee, and a time to visit! My parents headed back home after lunch and The Dowdney clan hung out the rest of the afternoon at home.

It's so good to be surrounded by family...especially mine!!! They are all so precious to me! It was fun and I can't wait until we all get together again! Who knows what outrageous find we will have to try on next time...... ~Kel

5 Friends for Coffee:

The Pereira Family said...

Well, that is true Overton style right there. I can see it now you bunch of crazies!!! Oh well, that's why I love you.

KC_NIKKI said...

I love you soooooo much! Hope you had a happy monday.

Heather said...

not my Kelli! you and your mom would NEVER cause a ruckus! i'm surprised anyone even knew ya'll were there :)

Andrew & Pat Overton said...

nobody has as much fun as us, huh baby girl! i love you so dearly, and dave - i just love that boy!
am praying for dr. visit tomorrow...

The Dowdneys said...

Your right mom! Nobody does have as much fun as us!!! God is so good to give me such an awesome mom!! I love you, too!! Just think what kind of stuff we can get into again this weekend!! I can't wait!