Bradyen's Actual Age

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Bradleigh Nicolynn Dowdney

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back on Track

Take 4????...or something like that. So, we have decided that we are going to give this blogging thing another shot...not that anyone will still be around to read it. :) But in case anyone is -- we are back (for now)!!

So, what's new? What's been going on?!?! Where do we start? Well, we have taken a 17 year old in -- to be 18 in August. His name is Cameron, and he goes to Creekview HS here in Carrollton. He is a football player and is trying to get a scholarship somewhere to play in college (and we mean anywhere). He makes good grades, but just doesn't have the funds to go to college on his own. His only other option is going to be grants. So, we have gone from no kids to having a teenager in the house. To say the least it has been interesting, and has forced Kelli and I to have some interesting conversations that say alot about what kind of parents we will be.

I have made it thru another semester at school, which puts me about halfway thru. I am ready for it to be over so I can focus on one thing again, instead of two.

Kelli has been very busy at work and it has been a struggle for her to get acclimated to this new company and their work is requiring a lot of her time. Strangely enough...I think she thrives under pressure, but this pressure has been something she's never had to deal with before, but it does seem that she is getting more acclimated to it as time goes by.

And, as for us having babies, which is why we started this thing in the first place -- it appears that we are going to have to adopt, which we have not really pursued as of today. We've been thru all sorts of treatments and decided to take a while off, let Kelli's body heal and get back to "normal" and then maybe we'll look at buying a baby again. Really, if adoption is the only way we can have kids...what's the rush? It's not like adoption has a "biological clock" so we can take a little more time, and see what comes our way in the next few months and/or years if we so choose.

So, that's what we have been up to...the short end of it. If anyone still reads this...shoot us a comment so we know we aren't wasting our time. :) --D

1 Friends for Coffee:

Heather said...

My google reader is great at letting me know when you post--even when you go months without doing it :) So, post away--we're reading :) :)