Thanksgiving was SO MUCH FUN!! Heather & Eric with the kids came in Wednessday night and got here at our house just a little bit after my parents did! It was so good to sit around and catch up with everyone.
Thursday morning we all got up and headed over to David's parents new house. It is So much fun having them here in town just up the road! We had a lot of food, I was SO VERY ready for some turkey an dressin!!! yum yum
After lunch, the boys headed to do a little shipping at The Bass Pro Shop and the girls sat outside and played with the kids! It was a beautifil day here in Dallas! Then we spednt the afternoon playing Dominoes and watching the Cowboys!!!
My cousin Valerie brought her two kids, Savanah and Burke up on Friday to play and put up Christmas!! Michaela was excited about having so many new best friends...Savanthia most especially!!
In today's culture, economy, and political turmoil...sometimes I find that I am not very grateful! Having the time and focus and get to point that my heart is truely thankful can, at times, be a struggle for me! More often than not, my weeak flesh is focusing on all the things that I don't have or that has not happened or ...well, you get the point! But on those rare occasions that I look around, I am in awe at the providence of my lord! My family and heritage are so rich and strongly founded in faith! Here a few of this things I am most thankful for; My dad's wisdom, my mothers encouragement and unconditional love... a grandmother that tought me that richness of life is not found in one's checkbook and another grandmother that enriched my life with music, travel, and tought me the meaning of perseverance, grace, mercy, and what forgiveness looks like deeply impacted my aunt that has painted a beautiful picture of "the joy of my salvation is my strenth" and not the circumstances that this life allow while allowing the lord a victorious healing over cancer...and a husband that keeps me steady and grounded...on most days!! :) Most of all...for God's grace and mercy that reigns over my life! For my salvation that is non-negotiable and matter how many times I get it wrong!!
I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving season and found time and reasons to give thanks. KD
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thanksgiving 08!!!
In October, we all got together and escapted the business of life. Mom, Dad, KC, us, and all the canines.....Sarge, Sasha, Peyton, Coco, Lucy, & Josie.....all packed up and headed to the Hill Country for a relaxing weekend!!
Friday we went to the Hunter's BBQ & Auctin in Bandera. HOW FUN!! The auction was a HOOT! I'm not sure David knew "those kind" of people actually existed! David won a White Tail Hunt and was excited! Saturday we shoped around Bandera, Utopia, & Boerne! Satruday night we watch Tech beat the hell outa Texas!!! Whoop! Sunday we finished the weekend shopping in Fredrickburg!
Sunset are beautiful in the Hill Country! Saw TONS of people out riding their horses through the countryside! Life is just a LOT slower down there! Makes me wonder if those of us who has such busy lives, if we don't miss out on precious moments! There is something to be said for slowing down and enjoying all the beauty around you. All the blessings that our HUGE God has allowed for our lives to be enriched by. Am I so buys that I am missing and neglecting or failing to be grateful?
Here are some fun pics from our weekend.......
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"WOW!! I would first like to thank my friends and family for for continuing to love me over the last few months! It's really hard work to earn this award as the "WORST BLOGGERS OF THE YEAR" and I just want to thank the fans for continuing to check our blog knowing that there weren't going to be any updates!! This is for all of you!!"....or something like that!! :)
YES...we stink!! We are sorry!! So the next few blogs I'm going to post pics and updates on what the heck we've been up to for last few months!!! Love you guys!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
we just aren't very good at blogging these days!! Don't ask me why..maybe it's easier to NOT blog at all than to try to figure out how and what to put into words. So..I'll be brief!!
David is back in school on Wednessdays & Thursdays. This is the first semester that I heard him repeatedly ask "Why am I doing this again?", I'm praying he'll hang in there and stick it out. I am hoping it's just a tough semester of classes.
I started this Fall as the Director of Carrollton WyldLife...WOW!! Who knew Jr. High students had THAT much energy??? It has been an absolutle blast! I am up to 16 leaders, which is HUGE from what they had last year! AND I LOVE MY LEADERS...they really are amazing and keep me thankful that they are serving beside me!! We are working on getting our numbers up, would love to see averging around 75 -80. We have about 45-60 right now. There are also a few Jr Highs that we don't have a real presence in yet, so I'm working on making connections in these schools this semester!!
We have taken a break from the "baby stuff"..... The family with the pregnant teen decided to handle the situation within their family. They were really nice about it, they just decided that they preferred that David & I not get involved. Funny how God shuts doors as quickly as they were opened. We would LOVE LOVE to adopt, but feel that we would rather stay open to an adoption opportunity from within our community rather than through an adoption agency. Then again, I'm about convinced that I would just rather travel and buy a horse farm and ride 4 wheelers for the rest of my life instead of have a family!!
I have lots of pictures from this summer's know I went to 3 younglife camps during the course of the summer. Lots of stories.... I need to get them up. I won't wait so long to right next time. you all, Kel
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
One of my favorite songs...
Has always been Seek Up by the Dave Matthews Band. Now, before that line in and of itself causes you to not read any further give me a chance to explain. Bear with me as it's been since June 3rd that we've last I feel I need to make up for lost ground.
Seek Up is a pretty long song, but I really only want to cover the chorus:
You seek up an emotion
and your cup is overflowing.
You seek up an emotion,
sometimes your well is dry
You seek up a big monster
for him to fight your wars for you
But when he finds his way to you,
the devil's not going, "Ha ha, ha ha."
Why do I bring up this song? What is David getting at here? Why is he talking about some lame Dave Matthews Song that no one cares about?
Well, however stupid it may sound, that song has been a friend to me in good times and hard times. So, let me extrapolate (one of them college words).
You seek up an emotion and your cup is seek up an emotion, sometimes your well is dry. I can't even begin to explain how many times over the past week, month, year, or 10 years, I have searched for an emotion and my cup is either overflowing or it's dry. Kelli and I have struggled thru miscarriages, a failed adoption, cancer, job loss and gain, and financial ups and downs, to name a few. Please don't think I don't know that other people have a hard time with things, and if I take a step back and look around me I must say that through it all are many blessings that God has given us that I must be sure not to take for granted. Yet, we have been through many things that most couples have not had to face.
This blog was started as a way for us to tell our story as we traveled down the road of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). We have smattered in a few posts of personal pleasure, but the main focus of this has been our stuggle to have our own baby.
Well, thru our journey it has made us want to "seek up a big monster for him to fight your wars for you" (or for us). It has caused us physical and emotional pain that we would not wish on an enemy. Kelli had to take shots in her abdomen for several weeks, along with having her hormones take her on the roller coaster ride of her life. In the end, her body just didn't react to the medicine as we hoped, and the Dr. has told us to look at other options. All of this while we've had about 9 couples tell us they are pregnant.
Now, don't get me wrong here, we are VERY EXCITED to share in the joy of new life for each of these friends and family members who are going to welcome their own baby into this world. However, it can also be bitter sweet. We have wanted to have our own family for the past 6 years of our 7.5 year marriage.
In all of this we have to be weary of the evil one who likes to do all he can to destroy a marriage ordained by God - "But when he finds his way to you, the devil's not going, "Ha ha, ha ha." He is not laughing when he tries to destroy a relationship, friendship, or marriage. He is very intent in his ways, and must be taken seriously.
Sorry for the lack of transition here, but the reason I am giving you some of this information is to lead you to this - we have been approached by a friend of Kelli's family who knows of a young woman that is pregnant and is not prepared for the road ahead that is pregnancy (she's 15). Please join us in PRAYING for guidance to make the right decision here as we've been asked if we could help in this as we feel led. Kelli has been helping teen moms for the past year, and the folks involved in this believe that Kelli and I are meant to be involved in what capacity? We don't know yet, but it isn't for us to know, it's for us to choose to get involved no matter what people think. (reference to the song). :D
We are going to seek up a Monster for Him to fight our wars for us, by kneeling at the throne of God and praying that HIS will be done in all of this, and that this young lady would be forever altered for the better when this baby comes into the world. The devil will be there too, waiting to destroy another family, but our prayer is that those who desire, will pray without ceasing that the Light of the World (Jesus) will shine thru and prevail over the evil one.
So, please pray for this young lady whose name is not necessary...and for the life that is growing inside her. Pray for her family, that they would give her the guidance necessary to help her along this journey. Pray for the friends who will step in to support this girl and her family as they struggle with the choices to be made along the way.
Again, sorry for the long post, and the strange song references, but if you haven't heard the song...look it up on Itunes, and maybe it can make an impact on you as it has on me. Then, while listening to it, please join us in prayer for this situation, that we would all be surrounded by the Holy Spirit and our actions and words be guided by Jesus.
Much love and thanks for reading this far, and forgive my strange tie in to a DMB song....DD
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hi! It's me...again! Well, it's taken me a few days to be able to sit down and write this. I don't know if it was I didn't know how to say it or I was just avoiding putting it in writing...makes it more real that way, I guess! We had a doctor's appointment Friday in order to start our stimulant meds Friday night, and really going into it felt confident that we would be starting! From the previous doctor's appointment just 8 short days before, there were no ovarian cysts and I "looked like I was finally going to get my perfect start" for our INVITRO! David & I were really excited, as we headed into this appointment expecting to schedule our egg retrieval for June 9th.
Well, the appointment did not go as anticipated. In 8 days my body had developed 5 ovarian cysts. I was pulled off all medication and they cycle was again cancelled. Later that afternoon I received a phone call from the doctor in which he explained that in all his years he has never seen someone develop cysts in that short amount of time. He does not understand why I am not reacting to the meds or why I have these reoccurring cysts. He said that we could try one more time for a start, but in the meantime David & I should consider other options.
My heart was very broken and I am extremely disappointed. As I sit here typing and trying to see the screen through the tears that are streaming down my face, I can say that I know the Father has a purpose in this timing! I don't know if He is asking me to deny my fleshly desires in order to devote my life to following Him, or if He is forcing me out of my selfishness, or if I am being punished as a result of my hardheadedness. Well, yes I do know in my head that it is not the later of the three! I try not to focus on the timing He has chosen to build other families, yet not ours. I refuse to listen to the lies that the enemy is whispering in my ears on a minute by minute basis!! And I am desperately seeking His peace that goes beyond our mortal understanding. Because I don't understand, as we now have 3 close friends that have announced their expecting bundles of joy since last Wednesday! And I am really trying not to ask how He choose who to bless with children and who not to! My thoughts are so in 10 seconds I can go from blessing His name and completely surrendering my life to crying out in pain "Why do you refuse to see my longing for a child? Why has my prayers gone unheard?" being so angry that I dare not type the words. Then, occasionally,...there is a breath of peace. For a moment I can feel His arms around me and hear His spirit whisper to me "Do you know how much I love you? If you could only see the blessings that I have in store for you just around the corner! Do you not see the place in which I have planted you and your husband? If you did, you would know that i am not denying you of a child. You would hear me asking "How many children do you want? I will give you one but a multiple children to love and nurture and tell my story to!" I am working on transferring what I know in my head to be truth to live in reality in my heart! That's the hard part, connecting the two!
I know I need to step out of this depression quickly as we have so much on the horizon! We have a A&M student living with us this summer that I really need to love on and encourage! WyldLife camp coming up this month for the 8th graders and in July at Carolina Creek! This Sunday is the start of our Summer Campaigners for Young Lives and then camp in August! I am so excited about each one of these events and want to be emotionally and spiritually vested in each! Please pray that my focus will be clear and my spirit sensitive to the calling!
Thank you for listening to me! I don't know if we will attempt another start!! At this point the only thing that really keeps us wanting to at lest try is the $3700 of meds sitting in my refrigerator that we can't take back! Please pray for us right now. That the pieces will be picked up and put back together.....that David will have patience with me as my grieving process is very different from his! And most importantly that I will find the hope and peace that I so desperately need!
I love you all dearly,
Kelli D
Friday, May 30, 2008
Carrollton Young Life Clay Shoot
A few weekends back Carrollton Young life hosted a Clay Shoot to fundraise money for Summer Camp 2008! We had SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!! We had great for the tangible outcome of the day, we had 65 shooters, over 15 sponsors for the day, made about $1000 on the raffle prizes and grossed a total of $6500 for the day!
We still have some money coming in from various donations,, so we
so we are praying that we will be able to send ALL of our Young Lives Moms & babies to camp!!Here are some of our favorite pictures from the event!
Our Area Dir & wife Dave, Paige, & Daddy Paige Shootin' @ the trap
Kyel & Shalen J.
Da boys... ...and the beverage beauties (Committee)...and more Committee
Dave C, David D, & Matt P Shonna, Betsy, & Karen Brian & Jonathan
the food............................the chef....................................Mike & Pat (committee)
YL Leaders w/ our beloved committee
Love you guys!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Woo Hoo!!!! No cysts....kind of
Well, we had another Dr Appt today, and Kelli did have a cyst, but it's a Tubal Cyst that every woman produces each month, so our nurse thought this would not keep us from moving forward this time!!! Praise Jesus!! Now, we just have to make sure this cyst goes away, as is normal for most women, problem is...Kelli is NOT most women. So, please continue pray for Kelli that this cyst would run it's course and go away by our next Dr Appt - Memorial Day.
Otherwise, we are off to the ranch this evening after work for fun and family!!! We are excited to get back to the ranch as we had such a wonderful time a month ago when we ventured out there. I'll let you know how things went on Monday, when it rolls around.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Round 1 Do Over...
Well, to tag onto and continue Kel's last post it looks like we are getting a "do over" on the 1st round of IVF. Kel started her oral meds last week, but this time it's one that tries to prevent the development of cysts. This being because cysts are what kept us from moving forward the first time around, so we are trying to circumvent cysts from happening again. She will begin taking her Lupron Shots again this week, to start shutting down her hormones so the Dr's can get in there and take control of her "cycle." We begin this on Thursday (if I remember right) this week, and will stay on that until we get the go ahead from the Dr's to move forward. Our next Dr Appt is Memorial Day, so that will cut our trip to the Ranch a little short, but we will still get to see all the family on her Dad's side this weekend, and we are looking forward to it. As we get further into this cycle, we will continue to update our blog so those who want to know, can be in the know.
We are also trying to get the boat up and running, as this could be our last summer with it, so we want to take advantage of that as much as we can. We should have it water ready within the next 2 weeks, which will allow for plenty of "boating time" this summer if anyone wants to tag along.
On a side note - we had the chance to speak with a wonderful young lady named Lindsay about the potential for living with us for the next couple of months. She is going to be a Senior at Texas A and M Univ, and needs a place to stay for the summer. We had lunch with her this past Sunday after church, and really think she will be a wonderful addition to the Dowdney home this summer. Please pray that she would be able to find a job, and that we would be able to provide her with a great place to stay for a couple months.
Otherwise, that is all for now, we will travel to the ranch this weekend for the Overton Family Reunion...and our next scheduled trip is to the McCann family reunion on the weekend after the 4th of July. So, we have a couple trips coming up, but also have some downtime weekends...which means we will probably be out on the lake. Give us a shout if you want to tag along, as the more the merrier!! DD
Monday, May 5, 2008
Ding Ding!!! Round 2
Today we are starting our IVF cycle again, so It's Day 1...back at the very beginning!! Isn't that a song from Heather's favorite movie, The Sound of Music!! They are going to do things a little differently this time, in hopes to avoid those nasty cycsts that halted everything. I will be starting BC meds on the 7th, a different dosage and brand that is actually used to prevent cycts on hypersensitive women....(yeah, I loved it when they used that terminology on me today!!!! HYPERSENSITIVE...I AM NOT HYPERSENSITIVE!!!) Dr. Chantillis is really confident that will enable us to progress farther this time!! We have an appt on the 13th to check bloodwork and for cycts. Then, back on the Lupron shots on the 21st and HOPEFULLY, we will be able to start the stimulant shots this time on the 31st!!!! It's early but looking at 9th for egg retrieval and anywhere from 12th - 15th for Embryo transferee!! Pregn test 10 days later!! We will get a formal calendar after my exam on the 13th! We will post after we know more!
GOSH--- can we fast forward to June 25th??? Hey, wait a minute. Didn't I just lead a discussion on patience? Yeah, maybe I should just keep studying that topic!! Please pray for the doctors, the meds, me & David, and LORD WILLING Baby Dowdney!!! I know that I am not going to be able to do this without the Lord, and I have felt HIM very near as a result of all of friends and family praying for us!! So keep it up and stay tuned... 'cause we are off again!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Well, HOWDY!!
Yes, it's been a while since we posted!!! Busy, Busy Bees we be!!! Now, let's see...not much has changed on the baby scene! Well, actuall NOTHING has changed!! We are suppose to be waiting for a cycle to start, anticipated to happen aroun April 9th, and been as still as a tick on a cow's but!! I called the doctor to inquire if we should be concerened and they said probablly I still have alot of the meds in my system used to supress my hormones. So, that makes sense and we are back to waitin two more weeks! Waiting...waiting....another funny is this week I lead a bible study on PATIENCE! Now that you have stopped laughing and are wiping the tears from your eyes....I said LEAD...not taught! Actually, it was awesome becuase I really needed to learn how to graciously wait upon the Lord...I learned so much and it was good to partner with my friend Steph, who co-lead with me!! Thank you Steph---
So, while we are waiting upon Mother Nature to return her presence, last weekend we participated in the OKC Marathon with our YL group to raise money!! We had 2 run the full, a great relay team that covered the full, and several runners in the 1/2 marathon. As for me and my household, along with a mighty group of others, we did the 5K SAUNTER - as we like to call it!! YE-YAH!! The morning of the marathon we woke up to freezing cold rain and strng winds....can't tell you how many times we muddeled under our breath "I'm only doing this becuase I love the kids!" It was stinkin cold!!! But all had an amazing time - Tony B did an AMAZING job coordinating the whole trip and Brian & Shauna Huffman (amazing YL committe peeps) really hooked us up with awesome rooms at The Renassaince downtown, just blocks from the start/finish line!!
Ok, I don't really know if I can announce this yet, but I'm going to put it out there. Over the past several months I have been pursueing the possibility of going on Staff with Young Life. After interviews and lots of prayer, The Father is just really leading and moving to make this happen! I AM SO EXCITED!!! For most of you that know know I'm pretty spastic and it will come no suprise that I am going into Jr. High ministry!!! WyldLife is the Jr. High division of Young Life and I will be the WL Director for Carrollton! HOW COOL IS THAT? Isn't God just so cool? I am really excited!!! I will start out part time, while I'm still at CTM, and eventually transition into Full Time.
David is little Pappa Bear! He's been a little grumpy lateley, with finals next week! Haven't really seen much of each other as he heads to study after work! He is really looking forward to the summer break and take a break from class! Hopefully, we will be able to hit the road and get out to visit some friends and family over the next few months! We love you guys and miss you all very much!!
KD & Double Decker
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
On a more positive note...
Man, I was reading thru some of our more recent blogs, and what "downers" we are!! I am sorry that all we seem to post are these really melancholy and dreary notes about our sad lives.
On the flip side of that, what an amazing last few weekends we've had with friends and family!!! It is so great to be able to fellowship with folks we haven't seen in a long time, and be able to enjoy their company for a few days at a time.
Two weekends ago we went out to the Austin area to spend some time with one of Kelli's family friends...Brian and Suzanne Black. Suzanne's parents (George and Peggy Wacha) work out of the same shop that Kel's parents do, so they've been friends for some time now, which has allowed Kel and I a chance to get to know them, and their daughter's family. Suzanne and Brian have the most precious little boy...Hart. While in Austin the girls went to Hart's soccer game, while the boys went and played golf. While at the driving range, warming up for our round, Brian got a call from Suzanne, so we continued warming up while he took the call. When he came back he stated, "I am the worst father in the world." Wouldn't you know that the one game Brian doesn't make it to, Hart scores his first goal!!! The girls were so proud, and so was Brian, although a little "Hart"broken that he didn't get to witness the event. Needless to say, the boys trudged on and played a wonderful game of golf, at one of the most beautiful courses I've ever played. (Now, I've only probably played about 15 or 20 courses in my life, so that may not be saying much - but it was gorgeous none the less). The girls finished up the soccer game and went shopping - surprise, surprise!! Afterwards, everyone met back at the Black's home to enjoy some steak that would make you want to slap your Pappy. We watched some of the Final Four Basketball games, and enjoyed our day to the fullest with friends and family.
Then this past weekend we traveled out to the Mountain Home area of Texas to the Morriss Ranch, which has been in my father-in-law's family for many many years. They have 9500ish acres out there, and we spent most of our time trying to cover those 9500 acres on FOUR WHEELERS!!! What a blast! We went out there with Kelli's family, and met another family related to Andrew - Jim and Lucy Dingel, and their son Grant. The Dingel's were the ones who provided the Overton/Dowdney's with the 4-wheelers and we had a blast roaming the ranch on those things - sunburns and all! As my sister-in-law, Kaysi, would tell you - we ran across several "critters" while on the ranch, to include: a skunk, armadillo, axis and white tail deer, rattle snake, and cattle. When not out roaming the ranch, we were playing the Nintendo Wii, which Kel and I received from Ebay the Thursday we left town to go to the ranch. We enjoyed that on our down time, as did Grant, who is very skilled in the art of Wii. In all honesty, we really enjoyed our time with the Dingel's and hope to get together with them again soon, as they live just down the road from us in Addison, not even 10 minutes away. We've made a deal to get them out on our boat as a repayment for the fun times we had using their four wheelers.
I must say that ever since I married Kelli, family has become one the most important things to me. Not that it wasn't important before, but I don't come from a really big family, and the family I do have, we just don't see each other as often as we should. Kelli has a very large family on both sides, and they do an amazing job of making sure they get together as many times throughout the year as possible. This has allowed me to cherish the times I am able to spend time with my family. I think it has also allowed me to cherish the times we are able to be with friends as well. Kelli and I have some of the most wonderful friends anyone could ask for, and I wish to thank each of them for standing by us thru thick and thin. That shows the character of a true friend. We love you all, and we hope to continue to see as many of you as we can. Sorry for the long post, but thought we needed to put a feel good post on the board for a change. --DD
Thursday, April 3, 2008
..and the doctor said....
To follow up with what David posted, Dr. Chantillis did call me this afternoon. From the Sono this morning, all of David's information is correct. However, after receiving my bloodwork, Dr. C is pulling me off all meds and we are completely starting over. I feel like a bad reel in the middle of a B- Film and the Director just ran on set and screamed "CUT, CUT, CUT!" or like one of the Van Trapp kids from the Sound of Music...."Let's start from the very begining!! A very good place to start..."....either way, same message!!
But, this week is SUCH A BETER WEEK for me emotionally and spiritually!! I just feel very settled and held! Do you remember the feeling of being held as a little kid when you had just fallen down and skinned your knee or your very first pet just went to live in "pet heaven?" Do you remember how when you mom or dad held you while you cried and after a while, every minute seemed to be a little less traumatic than the one before? Yes, I have felt held this week in a very tender way. And I know it's becuase I have some very dear friends and family that is covering us in prayer. I am just blessed beyond anything i deserve. God is good, He is risen, He is risen indeed!!
As Usual...
Well, we had another Dr's appt today, and received the same information as go for now, we have to wait for Kel's Cyst to go away. So, we go back again next Thursday, but by then, Kel should have completed her "cycle" which should also flush out the cyst. Please lift us up in prayer as you see fit, that the Lord would help Kelli pass this cyst out of her system, so we can begin anew with moving this forward. Again, this needs to be as perfect of a setting as we can get, so we need to get this cyst out before we move on to the next step. We pretty much knew this going into the appt this morning, but it is still disappointing to hear. We appreciate all the support you guys give us, as it's amazing to hear how many people continue to read our posts...however dull and boring they may be. :)
We love you all, and hope to see you as soon as we can!! Summer is fast approaching, and we look forward to traveling to see as many friends and family as we can!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
This week has been extremely tough! Physically I haven't felt very good, not able to sleep and really rest at night, and emotionally....well, it's been the toughest week emotionally I have had since we started! I have so many emotions right now! I have two very significant people in my life, that I love more than words, tell us they are are pregnant within 2 days of each other. And while my spirit really rejoices in their joy, my flesh moarns for what they have and I do not! I want to be able to rejoice with them, but I can't and I feel like I am a horrible person becuase I am in this horrible place!! I know I should die to self, but right now it's really tough to see beyond my own selfish desires!
Thankfully, there was a meeting scheduled at a local coffe house for the Women of Hope group that I have been attending. There were just 3 of us, and it was a great time of encouragement and just loving on each other. I am so thankful for Stephanie and Anna, as they really uplifted my spirits!! Last night I had our ladies Young Life bible study where we are focusing on the Fruits of the Spirit. Last night was PEACE. Although it was really tough to be present becuase I am struggling with accepting God's peace(not that it is not there), in the still of the night the verses and words that had been spoken earlier in the evening, comforted and soothed my soul!
Please pray for me!! David is doing well, and ever trying to figure out what I may need from him at the moment!! I guess you should probablly pray for him, too!! :) My head knows all the verses and truth! God is in control and this WILL be for HIS glorification!! I MUST let go and trust!! But right now I am hurting, and it's not okay, and I don't understand, and I don't like it, and I wish that I could see the end! Hopefully soon, He will restore the fundamental joy of my salvation! Thanks for listening!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
IVF Update
I guess it's finally time to sit down and give an update. If your short on time, let me break it down for you really quick....Nothing has changed so we are still in the same holding pattern!
Now for you out there who would like a little more detail, read on my friends! As you know, we are waiting to start my stimulation meds. In the IVF cycle, the prep month is spent suppressing the natural hormones that are produced. This is done in order to reach a constant level from which to start the stimulation at. Once all hormones are suppressed, then you start the stimulation meds, Gonal F in my case, that will "stimulate" my body to produce follicles and grow them into mature eggs that can be fertilized. We haven't got to that point just yet becuase body doesn't seem to want to cooperate!! My hormones are not easily suppressed...guess they get that from me....and I have had cycts on my ovaries the last 3 weeks. The past 3 Thursdays have been the same.."Can't start you on the stimulation meds with cycst. That would only stimulate the cycts growth instead of any follicles. Stay on the meds and come back in a week." They say my body is confused...well, I guess it's a good thing at least my body is following suit with my emotions and my head!! Becuase honsetly, I don't know a part of me that doesn't feel confused right now.
So, I came home to sulk heading into the Easter holiday!! But I just have to say that I have an amazing husband that has a way of putting everything into perspective and painting this picture with a subtle hint of light that was previously dark and morbid!!! I am so glad that The Father has allowed me to journey through life with him as my soul mate. In all reality, we want a good start!! And right now, my body is not at a place that would yeild a good start. Plus, if we have to be in a holding pattern with meds, man are we blessed to be in a holding pattern on a $20 med that lasts a month vs $750 medicine that lasts 5 days!! The stimulation medicine is extremly expensive and we haven't started that yet!! And really, my dissappointment stemmed solely from a timeline that I had tried to fit God's plan into. I wanted a baby by Christmas! Once again, God reminding me that this really isn't in my control. He is calling me deeper and deeper into a relationship that requires me to relinquish every selfish control into His hands. I HAVE to trust HIS plan, to follow HIS voice! I think this is fitting becuase you can't see or touch a voice! You hear, and walk blindly in the direction that voice is calling from. I know from Jeremiah 29 that His plans for my future are greater than anything I can see and far exceed my own selfish desires. I praise Him for all the hidden wonders that I can not yet see with human eyes. So, as my husband reminded me, we are thankful that we can wait for a strong start, that we haven't begun our expensive meds, and that in the end...a healthy baby is all that matter what day it arrives on!!!
This weekend we also learned that one of my dearest friends, many of you know Vicky, and her husband Robert are expecting for the first time!! I am thrilled, as we will have another little one to love on, and play with, and even though David has already started to warn me that I am going to have a limit on the amount of baby stuff I can buy for them....BLESS them with cute little outfits!!! A huge paise for the life that God created through Vicky & Robert!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Just a Sinner Saved by Grace...
I have been feeling the Lord leading me to this post...if that would even be something He would do. This is going to be a long one, so stay with me until the end, and it just may change your life.
I feel as though I need to address a few things, that need to be read more by some of my friends who may not know the Lord, or who may know Him, but have not held His hand in a while...
Many of you know that I was in a fraternity in college, Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE). While there I developed some of the best friendships a person could ever ask for. I have a bond with these guys that cannot be explained, and many people don't understand the brevity of the relationships I hold with these guys. When you live with 75 or so guys, eat dinner with them, share stories with them, and watch them grow into men, it is a life altering experience. I still enjoy having fellowship with them every few months, and we can have upwards of 50 guys show up and hang out. Again, the average Joe can't comprehend maintaining friendships like that, which in and of itself can be a chore.
I say all of this so those who weren't in my fraternity can maybe understand a little of the bond I have with these guys.
What I am leading into is this...Being that it was a social fraternity I did not always uphold my covenant to God and His Son Jesus. I don't know if I want to get into all the details here, but let's just say I enjoy a beer every once in a while, and maybe even one or two more than what I should. I also have to be honest and say that my tongue needs a taming that even James may not be able to perform. (this is in reference to the book of James in the Bible, and is a very tough read, but highly recommended from the author of this post). I am seeing where my friends who know me better than most people, could read some of the posts Kel and I have put on this Blog, and shout at the top of their lungs that I am the biggest hypocrite they've ever laid eyes upon. I would have to agree with all my heart, that they have a point, but that's not the end of the story.
With all my heart, I need to mention that it is BECAUSE of Jesus I am able to hold onto the hope that His will is all I need in my life. Jesus was sent to this Earth, by God, to save each of us from our sins. Not to turn us into "perfect" people, but to take our sins on to himself and wipe us clean when we stand in Judgment before God. The one and only thing a person must do to obtain this forgiveness is to believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross for your sins, and rose again on the 3rd day. I worship a God who is still alive and well, doing miraculous works in the lives of all who believe in Him. Buddha, Mohammed, the Hindu gods, all the other gods that are worshipped by other religions are dead. They are either lying somewhere in a grave, or they are made of metal or stone.
There will be many who have probably already shut me out by now, but for those who are still with me I want you to think about something for of the most interesting things I've had brought up about the story of Jesus is this: Prior to Jesus going on to the cross, His disciples were afraid to stand up for Him as it would also mean they would suffer the same persecution He did. So, many of them denied knowing Christ or following Him when people pointed them out to the authorities. However, after Jesus was crucified on the cross, he appeared to the disciples to show them that He was alive and well, and at that time He allowed the Holy Spirit to come upon them. From that point on, each of the disciples drastically changed their stance on Christ, to the point where several of them were killed due to the fervor they maintained for HIM...let me say that again, they were KILLED for that stance. So, I would ask, why the change of heart? If Jesus wasn't the Messiah, or the Son of God, why would they decide to stand up for Him and preach the Gospel, only to suffer and die for the cause? Let me ask it more personally, what in your life would you die for? Would you die for a lie or a hoax? Or would you lay down your life for the one and only person who has the power to change your save your soul for eternity?
Let me finish with this...Again, I am only a sinner saved by grace, the grace of Jesus. That does not make me a perfect person, who will never sin. It makes me a sinner, who will continue to sin for the rest of my life, everyday...but one who is saved by the blood of Jesus. I will stumble everyday, probably even every hour, but that sin is covered by the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, which I believe in my heart was done for me as it was for everyone. I do my best not to be a stumbling block, or to hurt my witness for Jesus, but I am human and will make many mistakes the rest of my life. What I hope is that thru my actions you can see the love of Christ thru me, as I am only a vessel which God uses for his glory.
If you've read this far, thank you for letting me share with you my stance, I hope it wasn't too much rambling. :) Double D
The Waiting Game...
Well, we had our Dr's appointment yesterday and they found another cyst. So, we will wait another week, and have another appt next Thurs - same time and place. According to the Dr's (and Nurses) it appears that Kelli's body is not sure what to make of all these different hormones, coming at her from different sources. So, her "cycle" has been thrown off between the Lupron Shots and the Birth Control Pills, and her body is still trying to acclimate itself to those things. The light shining thru all of this, that we are able to praise Jesus for, is that at this stage in the game, it is better for us to know now that it isn't going perfectly instead of finding out halfway thru an egg retrieval or something. That has been our biggest prayer in all of this, that if it isn't going to be a "perfect" scenario, that we would find out as soon as possible so there is still time to fix it. Again, everything we do we want to be wrapped in the will of God, and not wrapped up in our own selfish desires to have children.
In essence, we really are so early in this IVF process that in catching these things now, it makes it easier to fix them and proceed with high hopes of still attaining a pregnancy. Also, the only thing our insurance covers in all of this are the Lupron Shots and Birth Control Pills, so Praise Jesus that even though this is another bump in the road, at least we aren't having to go deeper into the bank account to pay for more meds or shots or whatever. That is one consolation in all of this.
Please continue to pray for us as you see fit because this is a long and tedious process and we need all the strength we can muster. All we ask is that God's will would be done in all of this, even if in the end that means that we don't achieve a pregnancy. If that is His will, then we can handle that and be able to see His Light in all of this. - DD
Monday, March 10, 2008
Weekend with the Family!
This past weekend David's parents came down on Friday and stayed with us through Sunday. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to just get to hang out with family and catch up. I always hear the "dreaded in-law" stories, and I have to admit, I just can't identify! I am extremely blessed to have married into a family that I love being around!! Friday night we grilled steaks and pork and had a really good dinner at home. Then we scouted around town and priced refrigerators - - GOOD GRACIOUS I DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE THAT HIGH!!! But that's a different Blog! :)
Saturday morning my parents drove up to spend the day and visit! David and "The Dads" were off to play golf at Coyote Ridge and me and "The Moms" well....we were off to do what we love best...SHOP!!! I fixed breakfast burritos for everyone, plus my friend Millie and precious little son Dane, to get fueled before we all headed off in different directions... And let me tell you did we all have a ball!!! Mom O. found some sassy little red pumps and I found these Easter hats, that looked more like Kentucky Derby hats, that had these huge feathers on top! I picked one out for me and one for each Mom. Me and Mom O got so tickled that we really were causing quite the ruckus. In fact, another Mother and daughter couple stopped to asked if they could spend the rest of the day shopping with us because we looked like we knew how to have fun!! Well, I think Mom D was trying to avoid us because were being so LOUD but we found her and she got her very own feather hat! Here we are all our glory...
Yes I have to say, those were some hats!! The funniest part of the whole thing....Mom O got so excited and tickled about these hats, that her treasured find of red shoes were missing!!! We looked, and looked, and got other people to help us look....and we could not find those shoes anywhere. AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANOTHER PAIR IN HER SIZE!!! So, we left with no hats, no red shoes......and a pretty goofy looking picture! But it sure was fun!!!
The boys had a good round on the course. They came in a little muddy and cold, but overall they said they had a good time. We finished the afternoon with a late lunch at BJ's, great food, hot coffee, and a time to visit! My parents headed back home after lunch and The Dowdney clan hung out the rest of the afternoon at home.
It's so good to be surrounded by family...especially mine!!! They are all so precious to me! It was fun and I can't wait until we all get together again! Who knows what outrageous find we will have to try on next time...... ~Kel
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Change of Heart
Isn't funny how the spirit prompts and leads. I was checking my email before my nap and a lady that is on Young Life Committee sent a prayer request out for a little 11 yr old girl, Brielle, that is fighting Cancer. She attached her Blog and an emial from her mother. In the midst of my self created PITTY PARTY, my eyes were opened to an amazing little girl that is JOYFULLY fighting for her life....impacting people's life...leading them to the foot of the cross!! WOW, is that what the Father is calling me & David too? ....I pondered in silence and cried for forgivness. If Christ can suffer and die in order for us to be reconciled with the Father, how then can I complain and grumble at the frustrations of infertility? Becuase I am human, of theflesh, and Christ was God in flesh and perfect and holy! How I desire to be like Christ.
This is Brielle's mother's email....
“Mommy I wish it could be how it used to be! Why did God let me have cancer? How long will I have to be like this?” I felt my heart stop beating the second Brielle asked these three questions. In the darkness, I laid next to her on her bed, scratching her back and prayed, “Oh God, give me Your words to answer my daughters desperate questions. I said, “Brielle, I believe God puts us here on this earth for two very important reasons. The first is so that we would love Him, accept His Son, and receive the joy in serving Him with our whole heart, soul mind and strength. The second is so that we can share His love with others so that they could come to know Jesus as their personal Savior too. I know Brielle, that God is allowing you to go through this trial with cancer so that you can share the hope, strength and peace that only Jesus can give you in the midst of this circumstance. I absolutely believe Brielle, that God is going to bring people to want to accept Christ that never would have before, because of the Jesus they see in you!” Yesterday, the Kingdom of Heaven rejoiced! The words that the Lord gave me to comfort my daughter became living truth. A new friend of mine from FCS (Friends Christian School) named Chris came by our house to give Brielle a gift. When she was leaving, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, “Brielle has helped me more than I can even begin to explain. I went through a terrifying experience with my son as an infant. I was angry, I blamed God, and had absolutely no peace or hope. I’ve seen how your family has been going through this experience with Brielle. You have peace, you have hope, you have joy and you are trusting God. I wish I could have had that, with the experience I had with my son. I feel like I’m really learning to pray for the first time, as I have been reading all of your e-mails. I want to know more, I feel God speaking to my heart. How does this all work? Right then and there, I grabbed Chris’s hands, and asked her if I could share with her what is means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. With her immediate “YES” response, we walked hand-in-hand up my driveway, and into the house, and into the room we are re-doing as a home school place for Brielle. We shut the door, sat on the floor, smiled at each other and prayed. My heart was so full of joy, as the words of God’s hope, forgiveness of sin through the blood of Jesus, newness of life and eternal security in heaven, just came bubbling out. Excitement and laughter filled “Brielle’s room”. When we were finished praying, we opened the door and walked into the living room where Brielle and Kylin were on the couch watching TV. I looked at Brielle and told her we have a new sister is Christ. Ms. Chris accepted Jesus into her heart to be her Lord and Savior. See Brielle, remember when we talked the other night? Jesus is using your life story to bring others to want to know Him for the very first time! Kylin and Brielle gasped, smiled, and just started clapping heir hands. I have never seen Brielle look so excited! The feeling of thankfulness to God that overwhelmed me at that moment is impossible to express. On the very floor of the room that we are making over for Brielle, a new soul was won for our Lord Jesus Christ. God tenderly allowed Brielle to se His purpose and plan, during her time of affliction. John 5:24 “Most assuredly I say to you whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.” Lord God, You are our God. Our hope is in You. You will never leave us or forsake us. You will bring us through and we will praise Your name! -Lisa

May we bear our burdens with joy and suffer well so that others will see that in the midst of life's trajedy, only Christ can offer the peace that covers all of life's messy details that we do not understand. Like couples struggling with the desire of a baby and little Children of God undergoing Chemo and radiation! I know he hears and is carrying us all in the palm of his hands..may I just be still and know that HE is GOD and PRAISE BE that we do not serve a God of fear!
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Hits Just Keep On Coming...
So, if it isn't one thing, its got to be something else. Kel and I had what the Dr's call our "3 Day" appoinment on Thursday morning. That just means she's on the third day of her cycle and they want to run a baseline of her hormone levels and what not to see where she stands. They also do an ultrasound and make sure everything is okay there. Well, during the ultrasound they found 2 cysts on her ovaries that are common enough not to raise a huge red flag, but definitely not something we want to have to contend with right now. Her blood work alos came back with high hormones, which are suppose to be suppressed right now from the meds. So, what this does is push us back about a week before we start phase 2 of shots and medication. Thus, next Thursday we will go back in to the Dr. and they will run the same tests and ultrasound to see how things are going. If her cycts are gone and her hormones are suppressed, then we will be able to go forward with stimulation. Otherwise, we have to cancel everything and start over next month!!
Then, the second round of shots came in the mail this morning, and it is necessary that we refrigerate them to keep them fresh. Kelli called me at work a few hours ago and mentioned that when she opened the door to the refrigerator, there was no cold, and our food was starting to get mushy. What does all that mean?!?! Looks like we get to go blow several hundred bucks on a new fridge. EXCITING!! That's exactly what I wanted to get to do this weekend. However, what I am clinging to is the FACT that the Lord will not give us a load that we can't carry. So, all I can do is laugh at the circumstances, maybe even cry just a little at the frustration, and pick my fat butt off the couch and get us a new fridge. In the meantime, please keep us in your prayers as our money really needs to be going to IVF to pay those Dr Bills and not random appliances! BUT but Lord knows nothing "normal" ever happens to us, especially when Kelli is involved. But I sure do love her anyway, despite that I know the abnormality is really with her and not myself!!! It sure is a good thing she married a patient man, if I do say so myself. :)
at 10:16 AM 0 Friends for Coffee
Labels: IVF
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Yes, today I was scolded by my husband. Why? ....for not blogging!! "Do you know how much stuff has happened since last Monday that you haven't written about? And I put the last two on there so it's your turn!!" AH...yes, and we think we're ready for kids!!! It's true though, I have to admit!! Last week was a hard week!! Having started the shots on Monday, by Wednesday night I was feeling really rough. I went to a Young Life bible study with some of the leaders and Committee women, and by the time I got home I had a small headache. Took some Tylenol and called it a day. I woke up around 1:30 having soaked the bed in a hard sweat, extremely nauseated, and a migraine. I moved to the couch for the rest of the night, next day, and following night. Lupron is used to shut down my pituitary gland and neutralize my gonadotropins, in effect create a menopausal environment. This will give me a constant level to start from to stimulate the needed levels of hormones to produce mature follicles to become eggs. I know...alot of terminology!! Anyway...bottom line, it made me sick as a dog. Mom said she doesn't feel sorry for me because she's been menopausal for years!!! :) So I spent Thursday - Sunday off and on with heating pads on my head and trying not to move. "Do I really want a baby THIS bad?"..yes, I asked myself that numerous times...and my answer is still yes!!
So, that is my excuse for not writing!! But here I am and feeling much better this week! And it's good because TODAY IS DAY 1 for THE BIG MONTH!! Yes, this is THE month all the action takes place. Week before last David & I attended our Embryology Class at Dallas Presbyterian Hospital. We were able to meet the Embryologist and his team that will be caring over our little embryo from the time the egg leaves me, meets her "perfect boy", and becomes a little embryo. We were able to watch footage of an actual Egg Retrieval, the stages that will take places as the egg is fertilized and develops, and instructed on how which egg(s) are determined will be the ones we implant. It was really exciting....and nerve racking. Just seeing all the 50+ steps and scenarios that have to be exactly right for this to happen. It really left us awe-struck that God's creation of life is such an amazing miracle!!! It was pretty awesome!!
So what's next? Day 3 is a crucial day in the process, so I will go in early Thursday morning for a Sonogram, E2 blood work, and baseline. The sono. is looking to make sure I have not developed any cysts, polyps, and my lining is good. Blood work and baseline will be used to project ovulation period and if a higher mg of meds may be needed to stimulate ovulation. So as of now....March 17 is our target date for Retrieval. YEAH...
We are excited!! We still have a few things that we need to have fall into place for this month. David will be working on the anesthesiologist an hospital pre-registration tomorrow and I have to order my next 3 injectable meds & syringes. Other than that, I think we are pretty good. Just ready to get this done!! Pray Pray Pray......however He leads your heart! We need all you can spare.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Dowdney Baby Foundation...
As many of you know, and some may not, IVF is VERY EXPENSIVE. So, Kelli and I were talking last night and decided that a wonderful way to raise money is thru a GARAGE SALE!! Yes, I said it - a GARAGE SALE! So, over the next couple of weeks, we will be ransacking our closets, garage, shed, tool box, attic, and where ever else we may have hidden treasures. For those who love us...feel free to contribute your worthless pieces of junk, as you never know, one man's junk is another man's treasure. HA! Anyways, the last time we tried this it was a total FIASCO!! We were in the process of moving from College Station up to Dallas, and thought it would be a good time to rid our lives of some clutter. In the process, we brought down a shelf that was hanging in the garage with a clothesline, lost our money bag for about 30 mins, got woken up by folks at 6am wanting to get this garage sale moving, sold an oven for $5, sold a dishwasher for $10, and Kelli sold her Eddie Bauer Backpack for $1...for those who don't know, Kel thought that bag was worth well over that amount, and it took us a while to get thru to her the "essence" of a garage sale. She thought it was more for making profits, when it's really more about getting rid of things. :) So, again, take a look thru some of your things and when you can fill a standard size box, feel free to bring it on over and contribute it to The Dowdney Baby Foundation's garage sale!! We'll be looking for ya!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Shot thru the heart, and you're to blame...
So, tonight was to be the beginning of Kelli's Lupron shots...which had to be administered by me - her loving hubby. After a long day of work, and then an exciting evening of bringing the Message of the Lord to teenagers in Carrollton, I was looking forward to taking out my angst on El Wife' (pronounce El WEE fay - aka Kelli). After coming home and getting cleaned up with a shower, it was time. 10pm on the dot is the time Kel is supposed to take her shot. So, we get out the needle...a little intimidating, but nothing we can't handle. Then comes the Medicine and the cotton swab...again, piece of cake. Kel puts all three together, so to speak, and we are ready for the first of many shots. Well, after seeing the gleem in my eye at the opportunity to "make this happen," I can see she isn't quite ready for all of this. I think I even saw the thought cross her mind...."do I really want a baby this bad?" I tried a few different distraction techniques: calling the puppies into the room, showing her all the pictures of baby's we have on our fridge, and even making a dart reference (you know, taking the needle in hand, like a dart, and threatening to give it a toss at her belly from say 15 feet away, aiming for the bullseye). TO NO AVAIL. Kelli was pretty nervous about all this, as it isn't everyday you have to get a shot, and to that effect, one given by your husband. After several minutes of trying to psyche herself up, I told her that she just needed to suck it up and take one for the team. She did - LIKE A PRO - if I may say so myself. She let me pull her real close and in an instant it was all over. She even mentioned that she never even felt it once we were done. To be honest, it was all a little surreal. I don't think she had ever thought about her husband having to give her a shot, and I don't think I ever thought about having to give my wife a shot. Strange, but it's over...for tonight. We get to try it all over again tomorrow at 10pm sharp - that is if she can get over her fear for a second night in a row. Bring It!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
In Memory of her Dad......
The video took me way back some 25 years......I remember those days, the long summer afternoons....Dad standing with his hands on his hips, mom sitting in a lawn chair near the barn with Kaysi sitting on her lap! "Now you got to really run hard at that first barrell! That's where you are going to make up your time. Everyone can run out after that last barrel but you gotta attack that first one!" Dad was always my coach, and let me tell you, there was no option for not placing in whatever event I was in! We would leave the house on Satruday mornings aroung 5:30 am, with a trailer full of 3-4 hourses, and off we would go to run those barrels, poles, and anything else they put in the arena! Dad's saying was "You got to hold her head up and make her pay attention!"....and that saying follows me even today. Funny how a little saying about a hard-headed horse can apply in so many different situations. I guess that's kinda why this hit so close to home for me. This video is a reigning pattern run in memory of the rider's father, but without a saddle or bridle!!! It is beautiful!! ~enjoy
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
In the beginning
What a journey!! Seven years, one month, and 13 days after we said "I Do!" here we are! If you know anything about our lives, you will know that in order to really keep up with us, you would need to talk to us on a daily basis. Mom will tell you that even on a daily basis, things can change with us on an hour by hour schedule! Yep, nothing is normal in the Dowdney household. But then again, mom always said that NORMAL is just a setting on your washing machine. AMEN to that!! So, with that being said, David & I decided that this will be the easiest way to keep everyone up-to-snuff - (East Texas sayin'!)
We live in Carrollton, a little north of Dallas, attend Bent Tree Bible Fellowship, serve Carrollton Young Life, and have 2.5 dogs - Well, we really have 3 but David says that our little Payton can only count for 1/2 a dog since she is only about 3 lbs!! But here is Sasha, Sarge, and of course, Payton.
David started graduate school for his MBA in September, about a week after he was promoted to have his own branch for Guaranty Bank! Last semester he did AMAZING...2 A's and a B!! Kelli is working for Carbon Thompson Management, heading up their Training & Marketing Department. We are both Leaders for Carrollton Young Life, David working with Hebron High & Kelli with Teen Moms in several different high schools. Young Life has been an amazing ministry in our lives, our marriage, and our spiritual growth!! It has completely transformed our hearts for the youth of our community! Not to mention we get to serve along side some of our favorite people!!
David & I had undergone infertility treatments back in 2006, and after 6 months needed a break! Well, that break is over!!! We are diving head, feet, and ovaries into INVITRO!! YEAH! That's kinda what got this whole BLOG thing started!! February is really a prep month, but we will be really busy in March!! We are going to really need alot of support and prayers from all our friends and family! Laying in bed one night, David & I were talking...just about how blessed we were to be where we are right now.....with all our church family, our Young Life family, and our Dowdney/Overton/McCann family, and all our best freinds!! And that's alot of people we are blessed by...and alot of people we NEED to feel connected to. So, as you find time in your day, or as the Lord lays us on your heart..... grab a cup of coffee, or hot chocolate...or for some you YL peeps....a glass of wine!!! lol.......and get ready for an extremely wild ride!!! We can't wait to share this journey with you, the good days and the tough ones!
We love you all
The Dowdneys
at 7:14 PM 1 Friends for Coffee
Labels: The Beginning